H3O Jazz Trio

Uniquely talented


H3O’s first album!

According to Wikipedia, "Tafelmusik (German: literally, "table-music") is a term used since the mid-16th century for music played at feasts and banquets.” Over the past 2 decades, H3O’s Eric Heukeshoven has composed over 40 tunes dedicated to and performed for special places, friends, and occasions – restaurants, art gallery openings, music festivals, a celebrity wedding, the pandemic, and some very special birthdays!

TafelJazz is a collection of 12 of these "songs for an occasion” composed by Eric Heukeshoven and performed by H3O with the help of friends and family. Pictured at their first recording session in Saint Mary’s University’s Studio ’S‘ are: Brett Huus, audio engineer; Hans Heukeshoven, drums & vibes; Max Heukeshoven, bass; John Sievers, trombone and vocals; John Paulson, flute and sax; Janet Heukeshoven, flute; Eric Heukeshoven, piano.

© H3O Jazz Trio